Windows 8 Pro VL en-USEnglish - United States32-Bit/64-Bitprograms




No Windows 8 Settings were harmed in the making of this ISO.
No Programs are added to Windows.
No Registry Settings were modified.*
No Unattended Settings were added to the ISO.

32-bit MSDN Source:
64-bit MSDN Source:

-Non-Activated index and KMS-Activated indexes
KMS-Activated index will Activate before first logon and
renew activation every 7 days.
-NetFx 2-3.5.1 and all hotfixes integrated
-All recent Windows Updates included for extra security
-Included notes from my KMS-SS for Office activation
and other information. You do not need to read to use.

Changes from recent Windows 8 ProVL releases:
-Removed Defender updates and Malicious tool from setupcomplete
-Removed Netfx3 and associated KB files
-Moved Servicing Stack KB back to setupcomplete
-MS DaRT8 SP1 boot integration (thx anarchist9027)
Just click "Repair this computer" then "Troubleshoot" to
bring up the DaRT option. Features include things like:
Registry editor, offline system file scan, windows defender
offline anti-malware/anti-virus scanning, command prompt, etc...
Release File: Win80Pro-VL-x86-en-US-Sep2013.iso
Size: 2.13GiB
CRC32: 9057DF7E
MD5: 66B21291D004441CC3AF23B96DB90AD0
SHA-1: 2E92F4004E066E47D3A081241CC1CDBEB09FCAC2

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